Anysberg biltong supports the following 3 projects:

Somerset West Night Shelter

The Somerset West Night Shelter was established in 1988 and service the homeless of the Helderberg and can accommodate up to 42 men and 12 women.

When someone arrives at the shelter we assist them by providing secure overnight sleeping accommodation, an evening meal and breakfast and ablution facilities with warm showers.  Social work services are given such as counselling, identity document applications, social grant applications, pension applications, liaising with other organisations such as old age homes, clinics and hospitals. Various workshops are given like the HIV awareness program.

The shelter can be full, however we can offer help to people with a warm plate of food, a shower, clothes and a waterproof sleeping bag.


  • To provide temporary shelter for homeless adults living on the streets in the Helderberg District.
  • To undertake the social rehabilitation of destitute and homeless adults, assisting with physical, spiritual and economical needs towards self-reliance and re-integration into society.
  • To promote community awareness of social problems giving rise to and associated with vagrancy, and to encourage the participation of the public in the alleviation of such problems.

Other Secondary objectives:

  • To assist in providing opportunities and platforms to develop and establish other centres of support for the homeless in the Helderberg District.
  • To support network structures dealing with social welfare relating to homeless adults.

Helderberg dienssentrum

Die Dienssentrum dien as die skuur van genade van Helderberg Uitreik vanwaar kospakkies klere, meubels, huisvoorraad en ‘n verskeidenheid ander produkte na gesinne in nood en instansies versprei word. Ons grootste behoefte word deur donasies gedek en waar nodig sal items aangekoop word.

Geloofoffers vir hierdie projek word gebruik om in die basiese voedselbehoeftes van gesinne in nood te voorsien.

Projekleier: Me Yolande Kennedy

Andrew Murray Child and Youth Care Centre

House Andrew Murray Child and Youth Care Centre, a programme of BADISA Western Cape, Wellington, is a registered NPO child and youth care centre (children’s home), which provides residential care to 155 children (between the ages of 1 and 18) outside the children’s family environment in accordance with a residential care programme suited and developed for the children in the centre.

The Children's Home is responsible for the care, support, protection and development of the children in its custody through various therapeutic and developmental programmes.

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